Thursday 12 April 2012

Friends for Life and your HEALTH!

Are you lucky like me?

Are you surrounded by the most amazing friends who make you laugh, cry and who love you unconditionally?

I often take a step back and look at my life to focus on what I am thankful for. Having my health, an amazing family and being fortunate enough to pursue my dreams are enough to keep me happy - but in addition I have the most amazing group of friends.

It is my belief that great friends are vital for good health.

We should always try and surround ourselves with people that offer support. You choose your friends and they choose you in return. If you are lucky enough to find friends that walk with you through life remember to always cherish them. Sitting around and laughing with friends is enough to create a flush or endorphins in the body to promote happiness and ease pain.

The support and love you feel from your friends creates a positive and happy environment which helps to alleviate everyday stresses and ease anxiety stemming from situations beyond control. Having good people in your life creates a sense of community and support, and enhances all the good that comes your way, and makes the bad more tolerable. Good friends reconnect you with your child-like side, a part of us that can become distorted as time passes.

My friends are always there for me and knowing that I'm supported by them makes me a stronger and better person. This post is just a reminder to take a step back once in a while and be thankful for the good friends in your life. A good friendship offers you happiness and health - and that is something we should all be thankful for.