Tuesday 28 February 2012

A Work In Progress...and Always Will be.

Today I am writing about something I have been struggling with for the past few years.

I believe we are all a work in progress. Even as a nutritionist I am constantly working on myself - mentally, physically, nutritionally, spiritually...

A question I often asked myself was "if I am not fully healthy, how can I expect to help my clients get healthy"? I still struggle with stress related conditions from time to time, and have been dealing with the occasional bout of acne since I turned 20.

If I can't fix myself, how can I fix others?

Here is what I have learned. It doesn't matter how successful we are, or how much we have accomplished - we are ALWAYS a work in progress. There is always something we can improve on, but that should never stand in the way of your goals.

My goal is to help my clients better their health and happiness - even if I yet to have perfect skin.

I will always be working to better myself and have realized that it's human nature to constantly be learning and improving. If you tell yourself that you are lazy and have no desire to grow - happiness will never find you because true happiness comes from accomplishment whether it's in work, relationships or finally getting to the laundry.

If you have yet to achieve your goals keep going! Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way. It is your human right to dream and grow.

A teacher of mine once told me to push myself to do the one thing I feel most unprepared for because I can only learn from the experience. I can tell you from personal experience that she was right, and I will continue to push myself so that I can grow and fearlessly do all that I can to help my clients better their health, and in turn - fuel my own happiness.

I hope that whatever matters most in your life and whatever you want to accomplish, you push aside anything or anyone standing in your way and allow yourself to flourish!

Being a work in progress aint so bad - it betters us and makes us who we are.

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