Monday 27 February 2012

Paw Power Love For Your Health

Are you an animal lover?

I certainly am.
I love all animals. Cats, rabits, lions, tigers and bears oh my! - but I especially love dogs.

This post is for all of you animal lovers out there, particularly for those of you who own dogs. Did you know that having a pet can benefit your health? Yep, that's right! Your furry friend not only keeps you company when you're sick, but can help you heal faster or even prevent you from illness.

Here are some ways in which owning a pet can help to benefit your health!
My Best Bud "Lucy Tryansky"
- Dog walking is a great form of exercise to improve health and fitness levels.
- Patting your pet helps to lower blood pressure which can prevent cardiovascular disease.
- Pets can improve your childs self esteem and lower stress levels.
- Pets aid in faster recovery, particularly from trauma related events.
- A pet can help to calm children with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or anxiety.
- Playing with your pet elevates serotonin and dopamine levels needed to maintain good mental health.
- Studies have shown that owning a dog can prevent infants from developing seasonal allergies and eczema.
- Your pet can alleviate loniless, depression and stress helping to benefit your over health and well-being.

My new favourite company "Canada Pooch" loves your dog as much as you do and wants to help keep your best bud warm (and well dressed of course) for the remainder of winter.

Check out Canada Pooch - or follow them on twitter - "Canada Pooch"
Your pooch will thank you!

So remember, next time your pet chews up your favourite pair of shoes or accidentally makes their mark on your brand new off-white shag carpet, think about all of the good your pet does for your health!

Long live your pooch - long live YOU!


- (ehowvetinfowikipedia)
- articlebasepets1stdogs.aboutmagforwomen

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