Friday 24 February 2012

When your body TALKS, do you LISTEN?

From headaches to stomachaches to muscle aches to that weird tingling sensation in your toes - there's a pill for that.

So you pop the advil or whatever it is that may help relieve you of the pain and you go on with your day.

Fair enough.

Noone likes to experience pain or discomfort, especially when we are all so busy getting through the day. That awkward sensation you're experiencing is inconvenient and you just want the fastest resource to rid of it.

After a while though, you start to find that the pills you are taking for your re-ocurring headache no longer work. So you take two, or a stronger pill and so on and so on.

You want the painful truth? Pain is a language. It's the way your body communicates to let you know that something is not right. So I ask you - when your body talks, do you listen? Do you mask your signs and symptoms with a pill and tell that pain to come back another day (I can assure you, that pain will come back - louder and more often ), or do you observe and try and get to the root of the problem?

There is nothing wrong with taking a pill once in a while to ease discomfort. However, being mindful of pain is important. It's your body's way of letting you in on what's going on and can be the very first sign of a bigger problem that may occur later. Pain can save you! It can tell you that change needs to be made to better your health and well-being.

Yes, pain can just be a pain - but the point is this. Be mindful and acknowledge pain because if you listen when it talks, positive change can take place in your health and your body will thank you.

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